Content Marketing

Beware: Freelance Writers Are NOT Content Strategists

Posted by M. Sharon Baker

Lately, I’ve stumbled across several freelance writers trying to recast themselves as content strategists.

To me the trend is disturbing and shows a lack of understanding of what a content strategist is and does.

Some writers may have been unduly influenced by several content marketing gurus, one of which suggested in 2009 that journalists should consider taking on that title. Only the advice was premature, and shows a lack of understanding of the job title.stopsign1

Additionally many from the traditional publishing world are co-opting the content strategist title, using it to mean they know how to creating engaging content that many people like to share on social media. But sharing doesn’t equate to sales.

The Content Marketing Institute issued an apology recently for its previous inability to distinguish content marketing and content strategy, and is making a large effort to educate marketers and others about content strategy and strategists and how it is different but related to content marketing.

Here’s the problem: Writers are trying to show that they offer more than just a commodity service, and are trying to show ways they can add value.

Here’s what one veteran writer advocating that writers should call themselves strategists said,

“If writers are:

  • Planning blog post topics
  • Setting the blog schedule
  • Designing the social media campaign to socialize posts
  • Writing blog posts
  • Utilizing SEO Keywords
  • Finding photos

Then you’re basically running every aspect of the blog for the client (so) that tag is appropriate.”

Editorial Strategist or Blog Content Manager More Appropriate 

These writers don’t understand that Content Marketing is not just using your blog to bring traffic in. They are operating as Blog Content Managers, not content strategists.

Maybe they should call themselves Editorial Strategists.

Creating content and directing content strategy are two related but very different disciplines, with “strategist” encompassing knowledge of measurement, nurturing, lead generation, marketing automation and data analytics in addition to content creation and content marketing.

Content Strategy: Mapping Prospects to Content, Measuring Success

Content Strategists create the strategy and plan on how to convert an audience into customers using many forms of content. They do not simply measure their success based upon traffic to their blog posts or social media accounts, which is what many writers are offering.

Real content strategists, working with the marketing team, create buyer personas through interviews with actual company customers. They don’t just ask company executives who the company’s target audience is.

The content strategist then creates buyer personas, which can encompass many different points of view and decision-making power. The Content Strategist also creates a plan on how to reach these different prospects based upon where they might be in the buying process, a process she’s hammered out and confirmed with the sales team.

Based upon information she’s gleaned from sales and customers, she then creates content for the different personas and different buying stages, using different avenues of content distribution. She understands where her prospects look for content and knows what kind of content they are looking for.

She has also learned how many pieces of content they need to consume before a prospect becomes a sales qualified lead, and she knows how to analyze data from a marketing automation system if the company she’s working for uses one.

The Content Strategist also knows that the process is fluid and dynamic, and understands that content and buyer personas may change and thus her strategy and execution must be flexible and able to change as the market does.

As you can see, this content strategist does a lot more than just manage a blog and social media distribution of the blog posts.

How do you know whether your writer is also a content strategist? Ask him what his process is for developing buyer personas, and how he measures success of his content. If he spouts social media shares as his only metric, then you know he isn’t a content strategist.

I’ll concede that some writers may have developed marketing chops and have the experience to call themselves content strategists. But I’m sure that only fits less than 1 percent of all freelance writers.

Have you run into writers assuming the content strategist title? Did they have any more experience than simply running a blog? How did you verify their claims?

Case Studies/Marketing/Social Media

Case Study Success: Third Year as Top B2B Case on RainToday

Posted by M. Sharon Baker

For the third year in a row, I’ve written the top B2B case study on, based upon traffic the case drew for the top online resource for sales and marketing for professional services.

My case study on Babcock & Jenkins Inc. was honored for 2013, and featured the story of how the Portland, OR Content Marketing Agency competes with global giants.brownie

I interviewed Lauren Goldstein, vice president of Strategic Planning, who told me how the agency created a highly personalized, database driven, multi-touch marketing campaign designed to rise above the messages that typically bombard B2B technology marketers.

The case story included how the firm used gourmet brownies to appeal to their target audience.

Read how the B2B Agency landed six new customers, and increased sales by more than $1.5 million in the RainToday Babcock Jenkins case study. is the leading site professional services firms turn to for marketing and sales advice. With more than  120,000 members, RainToday serves up great content –insights, advice and tools –from top experts such as Jill Konrath, Charles H. Green and its own experts Mike Schultz and John Doerr.


Reader’s Choice Award May 1

RainToday Reader's Choice badgeI also earned RainToday’s Reader’s Choice Award on May 1 for another case study, which analyzed how Mahoney Internet Marketing used LinkedIn and content marketing to revamp its sales process.


Top Case Study in 2012: Law Firm Rebranding, Content Marketing, New Fees

In 2012, my top case study featured Michelle Bomberger of Equinox Business Law and how she rebranded the firm to appeal to large business clients, and launched a content marketing plan to increase awareness. Bomberger also added unlimited general counsel services for a monthly flat fee, which was a new fee structure. These moves helped her increase revenues nearly 84% in just two years.

Read the RainToday Equinox Case Study to learn exactly what Michelle did.


Top Case Study in 2011: Telecom Firm Guarantee, Implementation Fee

In 2011, my top case detailed how Consulting Firm ATC attracted large clients and grew revenue 50% using an implementation fee and a guarantee. Doing so helped Advanced Technology Consulting of Cincinnati take some of the risk out of the equation when large firms started working with them.

It also gave them a significant selling point, said CEO David Goodwin.

Read about the common small business mistakes Goodwin made and how the implementation fee works in the ATC Case Study.


Will You Be the Top Case Study in 2014?

I’m always on the lookout for service professionals (technology, marketing, accounting, law, and consulting, etc.) that have quantifiably increased their business through a specific marketing or sales activity or set of marketing activities.

Your company must operate in the B2B realm and have measurable results you are willing to share. Email me if you have an idea you’d like to pitch.

Additionally, I love to help companies sell with case studies. Feel free to contact me if you need help writing stories that sell.


Public Relations/Writing

Do You Have Questions About Contributed Articles?

Posted by M. Sharon Baker

We’re fresh off the free call hosted by Carol Tice at the Freelance Writers Den, and I understand that a lot of our listeners are not yet members of the Den.

So, if you have additional questions about contributed articles, please feel free to ask them in the comments below and I’ll answer as soon as I can.

Please note, I won’t be answering too many specific questions about press releases, retainers, or public relations as these are all topics I’ll be sharing information about in the upcoming Bootcamp, which is a real steal –especially since you also get to join the den free for the first month. (And the Den is currently closed to everyone else.)





So, What can I tell you about contributed articles?  Ask away and I’ll try to help as much as I can.




Public Relations/Writing

Learn How I Get Big $$ Gigs in PR

Posted by M. Sharon Baker
Learn How I Get Big $$ Gigs in PR


Carol Tice, a friend and colleague from our days at the Puget Sound Business Journal and Den Mother at the Freelance Writers Den, has asked me to teach freelance writers the ins and outs of public relations.

I’ve agreed to create and lead a 3-session bootcamp Dec. 5, 12 &19. You can check out the details by clicking on the banner above.

I will be covering how to write press releases that get results, how I land PR retainers as a writer and our special guest Karl Sakas from Agency Firebox based in North Carolina will devote a whole session on how writers can work with PR agencies.

Next Tuesday, Nov. 19, Carol is hosting me on a free conference call at 2 p.m. where I will reveal how I make $1,200 on articles that other freelancers only make $300 on.

Want to Join us on the free call? Leave a note in the comments below, and I’ll add you to my private list that will receive the call details, or shoot me an email.

On Tuesday, I’ll also have a guest post on Carol’s blog Make A Living Writing blog talking all about how I added public relations services and grew that part of my freelance businesses. (Hint: I worked with a lot of great people who have their own PR agencies.)


