One Critical Webpage All Small Business Marketers Need to Bookmark

One Critical Webpage All Small Business Marketers Need to Bookmark

Source: Hubspot

100 Awesome Marketing Stats from Hubspot

Source: Hubspot

As a freelance writer trying to stay on top of everything happening in content marketing, social media, and marketing, I find I turn to one single page at one company all the time.

It’s simply an indispensable page packed with tons of information.

The single page is Hubspot’s Internet Marketing Whitepapers & eBooks page, which lists all of their eBooks and whitepapers.

On this single page, you can access:

  • How to use Twitter for Business
  • How to use Google + For Business 
  • How to Use LinkedIn for Business
  • Introduction to Search Engine Marketing  
  • Introduction to Effective Calls to Action
  • An Introductory Guide to Building Landing Pages 
  • How to Master Facebook Marketing in 10 days
  • 99 Tools to Help You Generate Leads with Social Media
  • 7 Steps to Jumpstart your Email Marketing Strategy 

As of today, there are 72 whitepapers and eBooks on topics every small business marketer needs to know.

Hubspot's Content Brainstorm ebook

Source: Hubspot

I download all their eBooks, retweet their tweets and find myself reading their blog more and more.

And I have to be careful, because soaking up all their knowledge is like letting me browse at the library – I’m bound to spend hours and come away with at least 13 books to read.

I don’t work for Hubspot, I haven’t interviewed them and I’m not affiliated with them, although I’d love to do any of those things one day.

A close second single page resource would be the landing page for all of Hubspots marketing hubs.

These hubs include blog posts, articles, video, webinars and case studies on a single topic.

Two examples are:  the Business Blogging Marketing Hub and the Inbound Marketing Hub.

Hubspot, which obviously does an excellent job of creating materials that their target audience – small business marketer’s needs, actually sells marketing analytics software.

They created a cool video and put it on the homepage that tells you more about what they do.

Introduction to Marketing Analytics from Hubspot

Source: Hubspot

In addition to the many information products, Hubspot has created several grader tools useful to measure the effectiveness of your press releases, website and just recently, your website marketing.

I learned many things from the marketing grader that I could improve on my website – even tiny things that can improve my SEO.

Here are links to:

For April Fool’s, they created a personality grader – but it doesn’t work currently – maybe they’ll come up with something equally clever next April.



Do you have a single page you return to time and time again that’s indispensable?




